Saro is recertified according to DIN EN ISO 9001
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Saro has successfully passed the DIN EN ISO 9001 recertification! This recertification marks another milestone in our company’s history and is proof of our unwavering commitment to the highest quality standards, customer satisfaction and continuous process improvement.
We proudly received our first certification in 2020. Since then, our team has worked tirelessly to meet the high requirements of the ISO standard, always striving to exceed our customers’ expectations.
The renewed recognition through the DIN EN ISO 9001 certification is a confirmation of the hard work and commitment of every single member of our Saro team. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our employees! Their dedication, expertise and commitment have made this outstanding achievement possible.
But we are not resting on our laurels. Rather, we see the recertification as an incentive to maintain the high quality of our work and the high level of customer satisfaction. In order to optimize and maintain our quality standards in the future, Saro is committed to continuing these efforts.
As a company, we place great importance on quality, reliability and customer satisfaction – values that are also confirmed by our DIN EN ISO 9001 certification.
The renewed DIN EN ISO 9001 certification is not only an award for Saro, but also a promise to our customers: We remain committed to providing excellent service and continuously working on our quality.